Contact us

Need extra help? You’re not alone

If you’ve any questions about an existing case with Gallagher, the Plan Administrator, you can use our ‘Case Tracker’ service within the Pension Portal to contact one of the team.

You can also use our online chat functionality to speak to a member of the team – simply log in to the Pension Portal.

The Eli Lilly Pension Plan mobile app

To download the App simply go to the Apple Store or Google Play and search ‘Orion+ Buck’. You’ll be able to use your existing username and password combination and will need to enter ‘Lilly’ as the Client. If you’re struggling to remember your username and/or password, please visit the Member Portal and click or tap on the ‘Forgotten your details?’ option.

Retire Online

Remember, if you’re looking to retire and take your benefits, you can start this process online by using our ‘Retire online’ functionality. Simply log in to the Pension Portal to use Retire Online.

Write, email, or call us


Eli Lilly Group Pension Plan
PO Box 319
GL14 9BF


0330 123 9591

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