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Looking after your financial wellbeing

As we start another new year, you may find this a good time to do some financial planning. It’s important to think about the potential challenges and opportunities that you could face in achieving financial wellbeing, with a broader perspective on the current economic conditions. Figuring out how your Plan pension fits in with that bigger picture could be a helpful first step.

Pension updates from the Autumn Statement

On 22 November 2023, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered his Autumn Statement, setting out the Government’s key commitments and objectives for the UK economy. The announcement contained some measures that could affect your pension planning.

Your latest Trustee Report is ready to view

The latest edition of the Trustee Report providing you with latest news from the Plan and world of pensions is available to view.

An update on pensions dashboards

For several years now, the pensions industry has been working on the idea of pensions dashboards: online tools enabling savers to view all their pension benefits from multiple schemes in one place. This could make retirement planning much easier for millions, by giving a clear and consistent view of how much their combined benefits are worth and what sort of income they can expect in retirement.

What does the spring budget mean for your pension?

On Wednesday 15th March 2023, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered his Spring Budget, which included the biggest shake-up in the taxation of pensions for over a decade. The Annual Allowance is being increased by 50% and there are plans to abolish the Lifetime Allowance altogether.