The Lilly Plan Portal gives you the tools you need to take control of your pension quickly, simply and securely.
If you haven’t yet taken your benefits, the portal gives you an instant retirement quotation that shows you how pension you could receive when you retire.
On your dashboard, select “View” on the “Benefit Quotation” tile.
If you are employed by the company you can choose to do a calculation with or without modelling options. If you are no longer employed by the company, you’ll only have the without modelling option available.
Let’s select “Retirement Calculations with Modelling Options”then select “Continue”. You can change various details that will affect your benefits.
For example you can save more, change your hours or change how much your salary may grow by.
Generally people consider changing when they retire, so let’s bring the retirement date forwards by two years, making sure to select an effective date in the future, then select “Continue”.
You’ll then see what benefits you could get, including what it would look like if you exchanged some of your initial pension for a cash lump sum at retirement.
Remember: these figures are for illustration only and are not guaranteed.
If you want to change some of your inputs, you can select “Start Another Quotation”.
You can run as many illustrations as you want to help you make decisions about how much to save over your working life.
If you’re close to retirement and considering taking your benefits, you may be fine-tuning the month you want to retire. If you’ve decided, you can select “Request Formal Quotation”.
This will begin the “Retire Online” process – but don’t worry; this does not commit you to taking your benefits at this point
“Retire Online” is what we call the process to give you the freedom and flexibility to do all your retirement paperwork virtually without having to send things in the post or by email.
You can track your progress on the “Cases” screen, which will show you when your retirement request has been received, when it’s being worked on,and when it has been completed.
We recommend you take independent financial advice before making any decision.
Your retirement is only confirmed once you have completed all the steps in the process and sent us any forms or information needed – such as your bank details.
You’re in control of your retirement at all times,but if you do need help during the process, we’re there to answer any queries along the way.
The Lilly Plan: Making retirement better.